
Lennox Industries

Dave Chatmon

Lennox Industries is an international HVAC provider.

Their yearly Midwest conference, Lennox VisionTech, is the industry’s first and only true team building event featuring both education and competitions.

For over 15 years, Tait Media is proud to help them produce quality video marketing content that amplifies their yearly event.

What others say

Patrick Tetzlaff & Brian Leadham

Allied Plastics |
Twin Lakes, WI

Jeenny Neal

Ken | Lennox Dealer

Recommended Service Packages

We help you provide video training and LMS systems for today's visual learners so your people effectively serve your clients.

We develop rich digital content that is of interest to your target market so that they know, like, and choose you over your competition.

We help you capture the best moments of your event and showcase the lasting value that your live event provides.

We design quality websites and media that helps prospects know who you are, what you offer, and why they should buy from you.